The Benton Harbor Girls Academy (BHGA) offers broad-based knowledge and superior education that empower young girls to better themselves and their community.
The Benton Harbor Girls Academy was created by the Benton Harbor Girls Association for Learning & Self-esteem (BHGALS), a non-profit corporation dedicated to enriching the educational opportunities of middle school girls in the Benton Harbor community. BHGALS aims to foster growth and development in girls from 4th through 8th grades, when they are most at risk of disengaging in education.
During these four years, BHGALS looks forward to providing the support and enriching experiences fundamental to the growth of young girls. In addition to academics, BHGALS works to develop in each girl the self-confidence, self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-efficacy needed to be independent and self-reliant young women.
Our Academy offers non-graded, single-sex classes featuring individualized instruction and The Workshop Way. The day begins at 8:00am and ends at 6:00pm. This focused, supportive environment encourages students to participate and take risks in the classroom to begin building a strong vision for their future.
Traditional classwork is augmented by multicultural perspectives, information on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) experiences and careers, arts and visual performance, learning Spanish, achievements of African American women and physical activities. Extra curricular activities offer academic and arts enrichment as well as homework time. Summer Girls Discover programs include reading enrichment, STEM and arts sessions, and planting, cultivating, and harvesting a vegetable garden.
Corporate and Auxiliary Boards
Corporate/Academy Board
Patricia Ann Quattrin Ph.D. — President:
Mary Anne Lischer — Secretary
Heather Marschke CPA — Treasurer
Nicholas Gunn — Communications Director
Sister Mary Anne Dalton CSJ, Ph.D. — Director, Workshop Way
Kristine Collins — Home School Teacher
Ethel Clark-Griffin — Benton Harbor City Commissioner
Shelly Maddison — Great Clips Manager
Allan Volker — Realtor
Benton Harbor Girls Academy Staff
Dr. Patricia Ann Quattrin Ph.D., Director
Stephanie Robinson, Academy Mistress
Yolanda Isom, Teacher
Oalliyah Hornes, Late-day coordinator
Arlene Williams, Granny Volunteer
Auxiliary Board
Danethel Whitfield — Grant Writer
Oalliyah Hornes, Late-day coordinator
Arlene Williams, Granny Volunteer
Kathy Burczak — Landscape Architect